Friday, June 5, 2009

Running on Borrowed Time

Facing the more than probably end of my company in the not so distant future, I find myself looking for jobs. Again. I just started here 10 months ago. All I want is some stability. I am pretty damn sure that I am the angel of death for construction companies. If this company goes under I am 2/2. And it's looking good. I work hard - 50-60 hours a week and the harder I work the faster I put myself out of a job.

What do you do? Do I go slower? Drag things on? Act busy and make work out of nothing?

That's not the answer. If I am truly working to please God, I need to be excellent to the best of my abilities. Even if that means putting myself out of a job two months ahead of schedule. So I will continue to pray and job search. I will continue to be successful and make my company as much money as I can and be the best I can be until I get let go or I find another job. So I can spread my angel of death powers somewhere else.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I like that whole angel of death thing...I've had stretches of times like that...hmm although usually that is worse when you're talking about being in the hospital - it can be a bit more literal.

    I hope you find something steady soon! Keep trucking, don't get discouraged!!
