Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So its been about five days since I last posted. I had a helluva day today. A big 'screw you' goes out to Hess Glass, DTE, DPW, DWSD & Owners who don't pay invoices.

Highlights included:

1. Lunch with Garth at HardRock. It was good to have some relaxing dude time.
2. Getting called back and a phone interview by Chicago.
3. Talking to Liz.
4. Having an adult beverage by the pool while relaxing and reading a whole book.
5. Reading a book.
6. Talking to Liz.

I was really impressed with myself. I went to the pool, had a drink, sat down and read all 170 pages of the book. The book I read was 'Sheet Music'. It's about the importance of Sex in Marriage. It was phenomenal. I needed to read that. It really reminded me alot about how selfish I am and how much I need to be giving with my body and my affections. If you're married, I would reccomend this book. It really grabs you by the cheeks and shakes you awake and makes you think about your sex life. Now if only Liz would come back from Lansing...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good day, and hope the job search fares well (Boston?). As for your book, when you give even half of yourself and shake your cheeks, that's more giving and more cheek shaking than most of us out here. Anyhow, hit me up because I definitely need some dude time soon myself.
