Monday, January 18, 2010

The Earing in the Underpants.

To all of my devoted followers (the 4 of you):

I apologize for my blogging laziness. I have decided to redirect the intentions of this blog. Previously, I had strove for earth shattering insight. I will now attempt to share some of the lessons I have learned along the way as a father.

Lesson #1:

There are times when your daughter cries. She cries when she is hungry, tired, hurt, etc. Sometimes she cries when she has a dirty diaper. Normally though, she just smiles once she has finished releiving herself. After all, who doesn't enjoy a little poo in their pants?

This one particular day, Juliet and I were playing on the floor and she was frolicking like she normally does, when she started to fuss. First it was a minor fussing, than it was some wimpering, and within a few minutes, there was an all out wailing. I had no idea what brought this on, so I went thru the steps:

1. Did she bonk her head? - No bumps or red marks, Check.
2. Did she load her drawers? - Nothing stinks so, Check.
3. Is she hungry? - Want's nothing to do with Cheerio's or a Bottle, Check.
4. Is she tired? - Won't lay in my arms and rock with a bottle, Check.

At this point it's been 15 minutes of tears and bogus solutions, still with no resolution and I am getting frustrated. In my world of perfect logic, and cause and effect, there is no reason for this uncontrolled fussing. I start undressing her to put her in the tub (last ditch attempt for happiness), get her down to her diaper and take that off too. Lo and Behold, her dad-gum earing has somehow fallen out of her ear and into her diaper, and is poking her in the butt everytime she moves. Good grief, no wonder she's crying, she's getting jabbed in the ass.

Now I feel like a jerk for ever getting frustrated, because heck, I would cry if there was an earing in butt too.

Moral of the story: Not everything makes sense. Sometimes you have to look for the earing in the underpants.