Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day #43

Day #43. Biblical time of testing is 40 days. I have a feeling this one isn't going by the book. We are off the script now.

Liz and the baby are in Lansing. Her parents and sisters were generous enough to volunteer to help this week. We have been immensly blessed so far by all the family members who have stepped up and offered to help us out with Liz and the baby. It's been really great to have such a huge outpouring of care.

Even though it's great to have people offer to help, it's getting really old not seeing my daughter or wife anymore. I miss having them around. Once you have been married for awhile, sometimes when you have the house to yourself for a night, you enjoy the break. You stay up a bit later, watch whatever YOU want on TV, drink a few beers, it's kind of fun. The second night you attempt another dose of the single life, which doesn't taste quite as good, and by the third night, it's like swallowing a bitter pill. I'm just lonely. I don't sleep without my daughter in the other room.

I hate when my wife hogs the bed, or rips the covers off of me, but right now, I would kill to have her do that again.

I am now on day #13 of singleness. It's really not cool anymore. I'm ready to stop walking around in my boxers already.

I'm working midnights right now, which means I go to work at 9pm, get home around 7 or 8 am, and crash until roughly 4pm. That means you are a giant worthless turd for the duration of the daylight hours. I feel like the time flys by, and I don't know if I am coming or going. At least if the family was here I could spend some QT with them. I need to stop complaining. At least I have a job, thank you Jesus.

I realize this doesn't read very smoothly, I apologize. Look at the time I am posting this. At this time of night/morning I can only generate cognitive sentences. My ability to generate paragraphs departed around 1am.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. We need them.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of prayers!

    I know how the whole nightshift things sucks - but you're right - a job is better than no job!

    Just think of how awesome it will be when you do get home to your girls!! You'll appreciate it so much more. ;-)
