Friday, February 19, 2010


I am blown away lately by the decision making that has surrounded me. I see stupidity infiltrating every level of my surroundings. Sometimes I just want to ask them "oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you because your head is so far up your ass, would you care to repeat yourself?"

It's like, do you care to think thru your decisions a bit more? No, well than let me know before you make your next stupid move so I can get my rear end out of the way before the poo-poo storm rains down on us all. I mean, haven't you learned from your mistakes before? No? Really? Care for me to re-live them for you? You Retard(s).


  1. Dad has the right idea - 2/3s of the worlds population are retards...

  2. And sadly, the other 1/3 spends their time in Damage Control.
